About Us

The brainchild of Ritika and Abhishek Talwar, Biplob World Pvt. Ltd. (BWPL) creates and promotes content that educates & informs young children on:

  • Sustainability and understanding the SDGs
  • The rich cultural heritage & history of India

We believe that stories are the best engagement format for children to learn something new. Not only do stories make the learning and discovering process more accessible to young minds, it also firmly anchors the lesson in easily recognisable situations. A lesson learnt through stories is a lesson for life!

Our first title, ‘Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee – Volume 1’ was published by Penguin Random House India in 2019, making it to the Nielsen500 list twice that year. Since then, we've published 25+ titles, clocking over 6.8 lakh copies in sales, with 50+ titles in the pipeline till 2026.

Besides books, we've created S.T.E.A.M games based on our stories and featuring our characters. Each of these is an immersive experience for children and adults alike. The games bring home the message of Sustainability through engaging and thought-provoking formats, providing hours of learning and fun for the entire family!


Our Team 

Ritika Talwar:

Co-founder of Biplob World, Ritika is a renowned life coach and consultant based out of Mumbai. With a practice spanning over 27 years, she has worked closely with doyens of industry and political leaders across India, helping and guiding them both, on a personal and professional level. She and her husband Abhishek are avid travellers and trekkers.

Abhishek Talwar (AIEMA):

A certified environmentalist, ISO14001 Lead Auditor and IEMA Associate member, Abhishek is the creator and author of Biplob the Bumblebee and the co – founder of Biplob World. He has the gift of narrating difficult concepts with simplicity and fun. An avid traveller, his popular blog (this can link to the travel blogs) chronicles Ritika’s and his road trips across India in an informative, irreverent and humorous style. His works include 'Adventures of Biplob the Bumblebee series', 'Col. Zoro Mysteries' series, and ‘Purvyam’ trilogy.

Amit Sen:

A founding member of Biplob World, Amit is an operations expert with over 20 years experience across industry. His skills span logistics and on ground operations besides managing digital presence and promotion of assets across platforms.

Sonal Goyal:

Sonal is the illustrator behind Biplob and all characters in Biplob’s world. Having completed her masters in fine arts from the College of Art, New Delhi, Sonal has headed the creative team at a leading publishing house for over 10 years before branching out as an independent artist. She has the uncanny ability of demystifying complex narratives through her simple, colourful and captivating illustrations

Interactive Sessions:
Author Abhishek Talwar has conducted over 250 inter – active sessions and workshops with children across India at some of the top schools and festivals like Kala Ghoda Festival, Mumbai and the Bangalore Lit Fest, amongst others. These range from interactive story – telling sessions to workshops on creative writing. Some of the schools that have had him over to conduct sessions for students include Pathways Gurgaon, Cambridge Bengaluru, BD Somani Mumbai and Ryan.


To know more, please write to us.